The best advice I can give is from a talk by Elder Oaks: ”Last year a church member sent me a suggestion that someone prepare a book containing all General Authority interpretations of all verses in the scriptures. I replied that I thought this was not a good idea…. What we are seeking to accomplish… is not to magnify the standing of the prophets but to elevate the spirituality of our rank and file members. Like Moses, we declare, ‘would God that all the Lord’s people were prophets, and that the Lord would put his spirit upon them!’ (Numbers 11:29). We encourage everyone to study the scriptures prayerfully and seek personal revelation to know the meaning for themselves.” (Elder Dallin H. Oaks, “Scripture Reading and Revelation”, BYU Studies Academy Meeting, January 29, 1993)

Thursday, December 27, 2018

Come Follow Me Study Guide-My way of Study

I was so excited to pick up a study guide for the new year and make it my own.
The Ward gave each family one but I could not wait so bought my own. The one from the Ward went to my wife and then I bought another one for my 10 year old to have as her own to mark up, write in and be hers as we study this next year.
I like to color and highlight and add notes more than the space in the book allows.

I bought a nice binder-briefcase note book at the local thrift store for $2.

I then cut the binding off the manual and added that to the loose leaf portion
I added in a note pad at the back to take notes. A cardboard piece in front, so no matter what side of the page I am on I have a solid surface to write on.

I Highlight items I need to think on.

I add a sticker to questions that are asked and then put my answers on a page in the back of each lesson

I tape in thoughts from General Authorities I have on the scriptures listed, that I have gathered from resources that are listed in a previous post.

The idea behind this is so where ever I go I can have my study items with me. I have the manual, note paper, a blue back copy of the New Testament, Markers, crayons, post it notes, everything I need

I also take what I have gathered and add the notes, thoughts to my online copy at LDS.org. You simply highlight the scripture or part of text you want and add a note.
This way I have it on my phone, or tablet no matter where I am and can help in discussions or personal review when I find I have a few minutes.
Your ideas and comments are welcome....let us know how you plan to study this next year.


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