The best advice I can give is from a talk by Elder Oaks: ”Last year a church member sent me a suggestion that someone prepare a book containing all General Authority interpretations of all verses in the scriptures. I replied that I thought this was not a good idea…. What we are seeking to accomplish… is not to magnify the standing of the prophets but to elevate the spirituality of our rank and file members. Like Moses, we declare, ‘would God that all the Lord’s people were prophets, and that the Lord would put his spirit upon them!’ (Numbers 11:29). We encourage everyone to study the scriptures prayerfully and seek personal revelation to know the meaning for themselves.” (Elder Dallin H. Oaks, “Scripture Reading and Revelation”, BYU Studies Academy Meeting, January 29, 1993)

Church Set

My first try at marking scriptures with my own method was on my mission 78-80. I took the Topical Guide and spent those 2 years marking "scripture chains" from the subjects I found of value.
When I came home rather pleased with my effort I found that the Church was announcing a new set of Scriptures that would include the Topical Guide in them as well as great foot notes and cross references.

 I then started on a new way of marking.
  • I took a sheet of paper and divided it into columns and rows. 
  • Each "square" had a subject listed in it
  • This was glued into the front of my scriptures.
  • On the right side of the book I drew lines down the side to match the rows on the page
  • Each Column had a color Red, green, yellow and then Blue
  • As I read something on that subject I would mark it in the color that matched the column it was in
  • I would then take a colored sticker dot and place it in the row that matched to the subject.
  • The dot was placed halfway on the page and half way off.
  • I then took another dot and put it on the back side of the previous dot creating a "tab"
This way all I had to do was look at the front of the book for the subject I wanted, follow the row over to the side of the book and any corresponding tab of that color in that row was about that subject.

I have done this 3 times now. My latest is on a larger set of scriptures. ( I am older and need the bigger print)
It also has grown to 4 columns and colors:
  • Red
  • Green
  • Blue
  • Yellow
  • as well as orange that means no tab or set subject, just parts I liked.

I have also added tabs along the bottom of the book that correspond to stories I like to use or favorite teaching scriptures.
The benefits are that I do not have to memorize a lot of chapter and verse. The down side is that if I do not have my set of scriptures I am lost.

This set of scriptures also has 2 other features in them.
  • Statements from General Authorities are printed on thin paper. I have used vellum, onion skin but have found plain tracing paper to be the best.
  • These statements are formatted to fit inside the book.

  • I take the cut out paper, run the edge of it along a glue stick
  • then place it in the folds of the pages. This seems to work well.
The other feature is I have added pictures that I like.
  • These are printed on the same tracing paper as above
  • They are glued the same as stated above.
This lets me personalize "MY" scriptures for me. It also lets me have a lot of my knowledge at my fingertips when I want or need it.

The downside:
  • With all this extra "stuff" or layers in the book the binding my bend.
  • I have adjusted my book to help with is. (more on that later)
  • The tabs may rip and then need to be reinforced or lost.
  • The tabs may also bend and wear depending on how you carry and store your scriptures

Here is the list I have as of now

AgencyFree AgencyMercySacrament
AtonementGifts of GodMissionary WorkScripture Study
AuthorityGodheadMysteriesSecond Coming
BaptismGod-Seeing HimNature of GodSecert Combinations
CharityHoly GhostObedienceService
Christ-Head of ChurchHopeOppositionSpirituality
ContentionHumblenessPeculiar PeopleTalents
ConversionIsrael- Lost TribesPersecutionTeaching w/Spirit
Degrees of GloryIsreal-Blessing ofPrayerTestimony
DiscermentIsreal-Mission ofPride Tithing
FaithJesus-Teaching ModePriesthoodTranslated Beings
FastingJudgementProblem SolvingWickedness
FellowshippingLight of ChristRepentanceWord of Wisdom
ForeordinationLost ScripturesResurrectionWorth of Souls
Endure to the endMaginfy your callingSatanZion
4th WatchAs God Sees youLook,Learn,Listen
Signs of true Church