
Book of Mormon Story List

Here is the list I came up with:
LabanAmliciGadianton Robbers
IshmaelZeezromSamuel the Lamanite
Lehi Tree of LifeBelivers burnedChrist's Birth foretold
Tender ParentAlma in prisonChrist's Birth
Nephi Tree of LifeAmmon & LamonhiNephi Rocks
Land of PromiseAbishChrist's death
Curious BallAnti Nephi-LehiesVoice in darkness
Nephi's BowSwords buriedChrist appears
Nephi builds shipKorihor12 called
Nephi leavesCapt Moroni arms peopleChildren & angels
Olive treeZerahemnah3 Nephites
Sherem DeniesTitle of Liberty3 Nephites persecuted
Enos PraysKingmenMormon called
Mosiah discovers people2k stripling warriorsNephites destroyed
Ammon & LimhiCity of Gid takenBro of Jared starts
AbinadiStriplings not hurtBarges built
Alma belivesHagothBro of Jared see's Christ
GideonKiskumenAkish & secerets
Limhi escapesGadiantonJaredites destroyed
Alma is struckHelamen's SonsMoroni's farewell
NehorNephi & Lehi prison