
Monday, November 2, 2015

1 Nephi Chapter 1 (Some Thoughts)

I have started an in-depth study of the Book of Mormon in preparation of teaching it next year to my 11 year old Primary class.
I was amazed to find out a lot of info in just Chapter 1.

(Part of this I got from listening/watching to a DVD by S. Michael Wilcox, "Book of Mormon Gospel Study  Companion" then I added on top of it.)
There is so much more from Brother Nibley on this chapter that I have noted in my scriptures but I do not repeat it here

How to improve your spiritual knowledge.

Starting in this chapter we see a pattern .
  • Verse 4 Lehi hears prophets prophesying
  • Verse5  He prays about what he heard, with all his heart, not some half effort prayer but real intent.
  • Verse 8  He receives an answer to his prayer. True most of us wont get a vision or a "dream" but we do get answers
  • Verse 12  He studies what he is given as his answer
  • Verse 14  He is thankful and grateful for his answer also recount what you learn
  • Verse 16  He kept a record of his learning and shared it with his family
  • Verse 18  He preaches what he has learned and now knows
How often do we apply the same pattern to General Conference, Stake Conference or even regular Sacrament meeting. 9 steps from what I can see.

Other notes on the Chapter
  • It begins with a family and tells their story
  • Lehi as a name is mentioned in Judges 15 as a place. Means Jawbone or Cheek Bone. This was the place Samson killed 1000 Philistines with a jawbone of an ass. Judges 15:9 and 14
  • Having Spiritual experiences can be physically taxing. (Another reason I better get in better shape)
  • Even before His birth Christ "shone" brighter than us all
  • Lehi sees 12 others following Christ.
    • So I would assume this includes Judas,
      • which means to me that everyone at the start of your call has the potential to be great.
  • Evil often mocks when the truth is pointed out to them.
    • Then quickly turns to anger when mocking does not stop the person.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Reading Between the Lines: Christ Cleanses the Temple

This year I have been called to teach the 11 year olds in Primary. We are doing the New Testament.
Each week I keep telling them to really look at the scriptures that they are reading and to “Look between the lines” for more of the story.
Last week we talked about the 1st cleansing of the Temple.

John 3: 13 ¶And the Jews’ passover was at hand, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem,

14 And found in the temple those that sold oxen and sheep and doves, and the changers of money sitting:

15 And when he had made a scourge of small cords, he drove them all out of the temple, and the sheep, and the oxen; and poured out the changers’ money, and overthrew the tables;

16 And said unto them that sold doves, Take these things hence; make not my Father’s house an house of merchandise.

I am sure that Christ had been coming to the temple at Passover His whole life. He had seen these people and what they did.
Once he was of age and His ministry had begun He took action. This was no out of control rage. As the class said, No HULK SMASH!!! This was thought out and maybe even planned.
 He took the time to make a scourge before He started to drive them out.
Always in control, He poured out the money and tipped over tables. He knew what He was doing as evidenced by verse 16 where He paused at the table of cages full of doves, handing them to the owners and asking them to take them away. Not wanting to injury the helpless birds I am sure.
I asked the class why was He so mad, one of the reasons brought up was the mess and smell that would be present in the Temple from the sheep and oxen.
How do we feel when we see any small bit of trash on Temple Grounds?
I also find it interesting that in the telling of the 2nd cleansing at the end of His ministry, there is no mention of oxen or sheep. Makes me wonder.
Think of the reaction that the money changers had. Especially at the 2nd cleansing. I am sure they quickly grabbed their items and exited stage right.
One last thought, at the first cleansing He called it His Fathers House, at the 2nd it was His House.

Monday, March 2, 2015


Over the last few years I have come to realize that my testimony is made up of three parts.
Things I know
Things I believe
Things I hope for

Different points of doctrine have moved over time from Hope to belief to knowing, Tithing is a great example of that. No matter what you say or what evidence you present to me will ever change my mind that I know that the Law of Tithing works and is one thing I can do 100%.

Power of Fasting or Priesthood Blessings are also items that have moved through the steps and reside firmly in the Knowing level.

Some points cover all 3.

Example: I know that it takes an entire Ward and everyone fulfilling their calling to make the Ward work well.  I know God will help you in your calling no matter what it is being called as Bishop or the person in charge of raising the flag every week. Each is important and need by someone in the Ward Family, and if you fail to do your calling to your fullest’ s or if you magnify it, someone else will be affected.

I believe that weather you are called by inspiration or desperation, once your name is read over the pulpit and the Ward sustains you, and then it is as if God Himself gave you that calling and He will back you up on it as well as ask about how you fulfilled it.

I hope that when I have my last interview or PPI once I die that my magnifying my callings now, no matter what they are, will help show that I understand serving in the Kingdom.

 I know that the most important calling I will ever have in this life are Husband, Father, Son, brother.

I believe when I have that last interview that the first questions will be about each of these roles and the people that they affect.

I know that I will be asked about each of my relationships and how I helped the other person. Not how I felt or what was done to me, but what I did.

I believe that it won’t be asked what position I attained in the Church, but more along the lines of, “I see during this date to this date that you were called to teach the 11 year olds in Primary. Tell about each one of them and how you helped them to feel their Savior’s love.” Then “I see you were in the Bishopric during this time, tell me what you were over and how you helped the members of your Ward, and how you were a support to your Bishop.”

I hope that my answers will be satisfactory to myself on these questions. I think now in my life they will be.
I would be interested to hear your thoughts on this.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Trails come upon us and Miracles Happen!

Just want to throw this out there.  I know this is not related to Scripture study but...Anything will help, prayers included. Also, I think it is important to note that through Fasting, prayer and priesthood blessings we have seen miracles happen. The biggest change was once the priesthood was able to actual lay hands on the baby's head and a very emotion filled grandpa give a blessing right before this little guy headed into surgery when being only a week old.

My sister in law, (that I have known since she was 6) got married almost 2 years ago. On their 1st Wedding Anniversary, her Husband who was a non member and had been taking the discussions with the missionaries, got baptized. Several months later they found out they were expecting and that the baby would be here a bit after their 2nd anniversary ,where they were going to go be sealed.  Guess this little boy has a mind of his own or wants to be actually part of the sealing and decided to come 3 months early.

My sister in law and her husband have been given a great trial and I am so proud of them.
Read the link for more of the story but let me say I am so grateful to know these 3. Wendy and Ben are true hero's to me. Their strength and faith is inspiring, (especially when I think of them as so young but they aren't).

Baby Luke is a special addition to the whole family and I think great things are in store for him
I feel blessed that I was able to be part of giving blessings to Wendy and Ben (I was not the one mentioned in the article) but I did beat Wendy and the helicopter to the hospital for the first flight and was able to help with the first blessing to her.

This trial of their faith is one that might make some crumble but not these you guys and I am grateful that I know you.